Senin, 25 Februari 2019

New Shows For You 😊

Go On An Adventure With The Crew
Afternoon detention with Ms. Foxtrot leads to magical, educational, and extremely gross journeys.
Crippled with debt, Grant and Ally go head-to-head in this agonizing competition show to prove they'll do ANYTHING to pay off their student loans.
Welcome to the land of dragons, wizards… and guidance counselors? Game Master Brennan Lee Mulligan presents CollegeHumor's very first RPG with an '80s twist.

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Jumat, 22 Februari 2019

Ahyoni Arpan, Kami memiliki pembaruan di halaman Pembaruan Kebijakan.

Kami memiliki pembaruan di halaman Pembaruan Kebijakan.
Lihat Online | English
Kami memiliki pembaruan di halaman Pembaruan Kebijakan.
Yth. Ahyoni Arpan,

Baru-baru ini kami memperbarui halaman Pembaruan Kebijakan. Untuk melihat rincian perubahan tersebut, kunjungi halaman Pembaruan Kebijakan, atau klik tautan footer 'Hukum' di setiap halaman PayPal dan pilih 'Pembaruan Kebijakan'.

Seperti biasa, Anda dapat menghubungi kami jika memerlukan bantuan atau memiliki pertanyaan. Kami selalu siap membantu.

Terima kasih telah menjadi pelanggan Paypal.

Hormat kami,
Apakah rincian rekening PayPal Anda berisi informasi terbaru?
Demi memastikan bahwa Anda dapat menerima email kami, tambahkan ke dalam daftar pengirim yang aman. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, klik di sini.
Bagaimana cara mengetahui email penipuan (spoof)?
Email penipuan (spoof) atau "phishing" biasanya menggunakan sapaan umum, seperti "Anggota PayPal yang terhormat". Email dari PayPal akan selalu mencantumkan nama depan dan nama belakang Anda.
Selengkapnya tentang phishing
Jangan balas email ini. Kami tidak dapat memberikan tanggapan atas pertanyaan yang di kirimkan ke alamat ini. Untuk jawaban langsung atas pertanyaan Anda, kunjungi Pusat Bantuan kami dengan mengklik "Bantuan dan Hubungi" pada bagian atas halaman PayPal manapun.

Saran untuk konsumen: PayPal Pte Ltd, Pemilik fasilitas nilai tersimpan layanan pembayaran PayPal, tidak memerlukan persetujuan Monetary Authority of Singapore. Konsumen (pengguna) disarankan untuk membaca syarat dan ketentuan dengan cermat.

Hak cipta © 2019 PayPal. Semua hak dilindungi undang-undang.

We have updates on our Policy Update page.
Bahasa Indonesia
We have updates on our Policy Update page.
Dear Ahyoni Arpan,

We've recently updated our policy page. To view the details of what's been changed, visit our Policy Update page, or click on the 'Legal' footer link on any PayPal page and select 'Policy Update'.

As always, if you need help or have any questions, feel free to contact us. We're always here to help.

Thank you for being a PayPal customer.

Yours sincerely,
are your Paypal account details up to date?
To ensure that you are able to receive our emails, please add to your safe senders list. For more information, please click here.
How do I know this is not a spoof email?
Spoof or "phishing" emails tend to have generic greetings such as "Dear PayPal member". Emails from PayPal will always address you by your given surname and given name.
More on phishing
Please do not reply to this email. Unfortunately, we are unable to respond to inquiries sent to this address. For immediate answers to your questions, simply visit our Help Center by clicking "Help & Contact" at the bottom of any PayPal page.

Consumer advisory - PayPal Pte. Ltd. the holder of PayPal's stored value facility does not require the approval of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Users are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully.

Copyright © 2019 PayPal. All rights reserved.