Rabu, 21 Maret 2018

How to Delete Facebook

Facebook is weathering another major controversy over the amount of personal data it collects and disseminates to third parties, raising even more concerns over how little privacy anyone using their platform truly has. So to assist our users, we've put together this helpful handy guide on how to delete your Facebook once and for all:

1. Post about how disgusted you are by Facebook's sketchy data collection practices and other things about them you don't like (e.g. Mark Zuckerberg's weird featureless face)

2. Delete Facebook (well, "deactivate", you're not ballsy enough to actually choose the delete option)

3. Post on Instagram and Twitter about how you deleted Facebook. Also Snapchat. And Pinterest too, why not?

4. Immediately get a crazy case of FOMO 12 hours afterwards and quietly reactivate just to see if any of your friends had any parties and didn't invite you

5. Do it all again every 6 months until you die
12 Tinder Profiles That'll Slow Your Swipe Roll For A Sec
No one tell her.
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