Rabu, 08 Juni 2022

How marketers impact small business


Hi there,

Every business starts small, and every new business venture takes courage. Every business also needs a marketing partner who can help it grow.

I've been that person for many years, initially for small businesses as a teenager, then for larger companies as I grew in my career. I know firsthand how badly business owners want to find new leads, new footfall, new customers.

Small business has a special place at Semrush. We want to help everyone succeed, whether you're a business of one or many.

For small business owners and marketing partners alike, here are some tips to gain more customers:


Track your ranking. Set up Google Search Console and Google Analytics to get insights on how your business fairs in search results.

Look at your competitors. They are your point to grow.

Audit and fix what you already have. Stay on top of your website, content, and strategy.

Update listings and connect with partners. Set up your Google Business Profile and ask your suppliers and partners to link to your website.

Stay courageous. While it may seem difficult at first, continue on your path, and you'll see the growth you expect eventually.


Check out this article all about SEO for small businesses! →



Don't forget you can write to me with your small business questions. I look forward to hearing from you!

Happy marketing!

Andrew Warden
Chief Marketing Officer at Semrush
Semrush.com reports and tools are used by the world's smartest site owners and online-marketers. Semrush Inc., USA, 800 Boylston Street, Suite 2475, Boston, MA 02199
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