Kamis, 15 Maret 2018

Hi Michael

Are you named Michael? Probably not - but for those of you who ARE named Michael, this must've been a little freaky, right? Like - how did CollegeHumor suddenly know my name? I didn't give them my first name when I signed up for this newsletter! And you're right! We're just taking random guesses now. Tomorrow maybe we'll shout out all the Aarons out there. Watch your inbox, Aarons!
If Movie Titles Were Honest (March 2018 Edition)
Well, it's that time again - time for another round of HONEST MOVIE POSTERS. This month, we cover everything from NRA Bruce Willis Fanfiction to a movie that's literally just anime. For real, these giant mechs fighting aliens is straight up anime. You can't fool me, Guillermo Del Toro.

And if you want honest movie posters brought to you on a regular basis, just follow the Honest Movie Posters page on Facebook - then you can check these out in-between posts from high school friends complaining about politics!
In case you didn't know, we're bringing you THE BEST FEELINGS IN THE WORLD every single day, to help distract you from the nightmare cycle of news, politics, and the regular slog of everyday life. Illustrator Jacob Andrews knows all the best feelings, and he knows the perfect way of illustrating them! Make sure to follow the Facebook page if you want these pleasant drawings breaking up sad news stories in your news feed on a regular basis.
Comic of the Day
Hey - pssst. We make a lot of comics. You can check them out here.

Check out today's comic - The 5 Stages of Meeting Someone New!
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